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18 (1 photo) 200 (1 photo) Abbey (2 photos) across (1 photo) Adams Falls (21 photos) Akanyo (1 photo) Alpine visitors center (8 photos) aluminum (2 photos) aspen (10 photos) atmospheric mountains (3 photos) baby pine (2 photos) baby pines (1 photo) Baldy (1 photo) barbed wire (1 photo) bark (1 photo) bathroom (1 photo) beautiful colors (28 photos) beaver (4 photos) beaver gnawed aspen (1 photo) beaver pond (14 photos) Berthoud Pass (6 photos) Bettie (1 photo) birch (2 photos) birds-eye view (1 photo) birthday (1 photo) black and white (78 photos) black light (5 photos) boathouse (2 photos) boathouses (42 photos) boh (113 photos) boulder (9 photos) boulders (4 photos) boulders in water (1 photo) Boykin (10 photos) brackish stream (1 photo) branched lichens (1 photo) breakfast (2 photos) Brian (17 photos) bridge (1 photo) bristle blocks (1 photo) broken rectangular rocks (4 photos) brushing teeth (1 photo) bunny (3 photos) burl (5 photos) Butram (2 photos) Buttram (15 photos) cabin (44 photos) Cafe Ventana (1 photo) camino (1 photo) car show (1 photo) carrot (2 photos) Casa Bonita (6 photos) Cascade Falls (5 photos) Castlewood (12 photos) catching (1 photo) cattails (3 photos) channel (4 photos) chick (1 photo) chipmunk (1 photo) chippewa (1 photo) Chris (15 photos) Chris Craft (22 photos) classroom (1 photo) cliff (12 photos) climb (2 photos) close-up (2 photos) close-up rock (2 photos) Clouds (9 photos) Colorado River (9 photos) columbine (1 photo) combine (1 photo) composition (1 photo) Corona/Rollins (64 photos) cove (9 photos) coyote (2 photos) Coyote Valley (20 photos) crash (1 photo) crib (2 photos) currents (26 photos) Daddy (10 photos) dam (1 photo) dappled aspen (2 photos) Dave (6 photos) Day (1 photo) dead tree (2 photos) deck (25 photos) dial (1 photo) dirt (7 photos) downed tree (6 photos) driveway (1 photo) ducks (1 photo) dutch (4 photos) East Inlet (1 photo) east view (12 photos) Easter (5 photos) educational sign (1 photo) egg dye (2 photos) eggs (1 photo) el (1 photo) Element (1 photo) elk (26 photos) engine (6 photos) engine number (3 photos) Estes (1 photo) Estes Park (36 photos) Evan (3 photos) exposed roots (1 photo) fairy slippers (5 photos) fall (1 photo) fall aspens (1 photo) fall foliage (12 photos) fallen branches (1 photo) fence (2 photos) fetal (1 photo) fire (3 photos) first (3 photos) flat lichens (1 photo) flooding (11 photos) fountain (2 photos) fox (2 photos) framing trees (4 photos) Fraser River (1 photo) frisbee (6 photos) Fritz's (5 photos) from (1 photo) front steps (1 photo) full height trees (1 photo) garage (19 photos) Gene Melton's old cabin (1 photo) GGma's rocker (1 photo) glow in the dark (1 photo) Grand Avenue (3 photos) Grand Ditch (4 photos) Grand Lake (81 photos) Grandpa (1 photo) grape holly (2 photos) grasses (1 photo) Griffin (32 photos) grinder pump (1 photo) ground cover (1 photo) hail (1 photo) hands (1 photo) Henry (8 photos) hillside (1 photo) historic cabin (3 photos) Holzwarth Ranch (39 photos) hull number (1 photo) hummingbird (2 photos) ice cream (4 photos) in (1 photo) interior (11 photos) island (3 photos) Jackie (1 photo) jail (1 photo) Jamie (1 photo) jar (1 photo) jeep (4 photos) Jerry (25 photos) Jerry Sr. (1 photo) Jill (1 photo) kaleidescope (9 photos) Kalidescope (4 photos) kaliedescope (2 photos) kawuneeche valley (42 photos) KC (13 photos) kingfisher (7 photos) kiss (1 photo) kitchen (2 photos) Lake Irene (3 photos) Late Afternoon (26 photos) Laura (27 photos) lichen (2 photos) lichens (3 photos) lift (1 photo) lights (2 photos) Lilliput Golf Course (1 photo) lizards (1 photo) llama (2 photos) lodgepole (16 photos) Logan (1 photo) Lulu City Trail (1 photo) lush (1 photo) Main Street (4 photos) map (1 photo) marshy (3 photos) Mary's (1 photo) meadow (10 photos) medley of pines (6 photos) Melton's old house (1 photo) mirror (2 photos) models (1 photo) Mommy (16 photos) Monarch lake (61 photos) moose (26 photos) moose c (1 photo) moose calf (26 photos) moss (14 photos) moss clumps on rocks (4 photos) mossy river rocks (2 photos) moth (2 photos) Mount Craig (2 photos) mountain sheep (6 photos) mountain slope (12 photos) mountains (4 photos) mountian sheep (2 photos) moutain (1 photo) movie (1 photo) North Inlet/Tonahutu Creek (1 photo) old (1 photo) Ollie (1 photo) orange aspen branches (2 photos) osprey (2 photos) outhouse (5 photos) oxbow (3 photos) packing (1 photo) painting (1 photo) panorama (56 photos) park (7 photos) pass (2 photos) path (14 photos) picnic rock (3 photos) picturesque (5 photos) Pine Beach (9 photos) pine trees (1 photo) pineneedles (1 photo) pines (2 photos) pines close (1 photo) piney moss (1 photo) planting (1 photo) play (1 photo) playground (1 photo) portrait (1 photo) pottery (1 photo) Poudre Lake (4 photos) prairie dog (1 photo) priscilla (106 photos) Priscilla running (2 photos) Purina Farms (3 photos) pussy willow (1 photo) pussytoes (2 photos) puzzle (3 photos) rabbit (3 photos) railroad (5 photos) rainbow (9 photos) Rainbow Curve (4 photos) reading (1 photo) reflections (29 photos) riparian plants (10 photos) ripples (26 photos) river (4 photos) RMNP (15 photos) robot (1 photo) robots (1 photo) rock (1 photo) rock slide (5 photos) rocker (1 photo) rocket (1 photo) rockets (3 photos) rocks (4 photos) rocks in lake (1 photo) rocky stream bed (2 photos) rocky trail (3 photos) Rollins-Corona Pass (1 photo) root ball (2 photos) roots (1 photo) roots around rock (2 photos) rotting log (1 photo) Ruth (1 photo) see-through (2 photos) Shadow Mountain (39 photos) Shadow Mountain Lake (1 photo) Shoreline (6 photos) shower (3 photos) silhouette (7 photos) silly (2 photos) Silver Plume (1 photo) sink (1 photo) snow (33 photos) snow family (2 photos) snow men (2 photos) snow people (3 photos) snow plough (4 photos) snowy mountain (9 photos) snowy mountains (6 photos) snowy moutains (1 photo) snuggle sack (1 photo) spaceship (1 photo) spanish moss (2 photos) Spider House (2 photos) spider web (2 photos) splash (2 photos) spring (3 photos) Sr. (1 photo) St. (1 photo) stickers (2 photos) stream (6 photos) stream bed (1 photo) students (1 photo) stump (5 photos) suitcase (4 photos) sun/shade (38 photos) Sunny day (16 photos) sunporch (10 photos) sunset (18 photos) Susan (1 photo) tangled dead branches (1 photo) Thanksgiving (1 photo) throw (3 photos) throwing (1 photo) Todd (33 photos) top of RMNP (15 photos) town park (2 photos) toy dog (1 photo) toys (5 photos) Trail (1 photo) trickling stream (1 photo) tundra (10 photos) Turkey (1 photo) twisted log (20 photos) valley (5 photos) view to west (7 photos) wake (4 photos) Wally (83 photos) Wally F (2 photos) water (1 photo) water table (1 photo) waterfall (6 photos) waves (5 photos) wedding (1 photo) wet (2 photos) whitewater (5 photos) wide mountain stream (32 photos) wild iris (2 photos) wild roses (1 photo) wildflowers from GL (24 photos) Willow (1 photo) willys (4 photos) Winter Park (1 photo) wood truck (1 photo) yard (2 photos) year (1 photo) yellow lupine (1 photo) Yogi (53 photos) zoo (1 photo) All keywords Any keyword
Jerry and Kellee's albums Jerry and Kellee's albums / Graflex photos Jerry and Kellee's albums / Graflex photos / Test pictures Jerry and Kellee's albums / '76 Flying Colors Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / Chris and Brian's Reception Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / Dog Cam-Mastadon park Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / 2006 Easter Car Show Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / DC Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / DC / Sunday Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / DC / Monday Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / DC / Tuesday Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / DC / Wednesday Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / Untitled Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / chihulynights Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / New York City 2006 Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / Kornershotz Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / Luke's first birthday party Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / World Series parade Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / Ruth & Paul's 65th Anniversary Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / Untitled Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / Santa Fly-in Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2006 / fog Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2005 Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2005 / 2005 Arizona Trip Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2005 / 2005 Arizona Trip / 3/21 driving Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2005 / 2005 Arizona Trip / 3/22 White Sands Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2005 / 2005 Arizona Trip / 3/23 Saguaro National Forest Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2005 / 2005 Arizona Trip / 3/23 Titan Missile Museum Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2005 / 2005 Arizona Trip / 3/23 Pima Air & Space Museum Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2005 / 2005 Arizona Trip / 3/24 Montezuma's Castle Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2005 / 2005 Arizona Trip / 3/25 Grand Canyon Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2005 / 2005 Arizona Trip / 3/26 Meteor Crater Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2005 / 2005 Arizona Trip / 3/26-27 Petrified Forest Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2005 / 2005 Arizona Trip / 3/27 Hubbell Trading Post Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2005 / 2005 Arizona Trip / 3/27 Canyon De Chelly Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2005 / tbird's Katrina photos Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2005 / 2005 San Francisco Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2005 / Sequoia National Park Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2004 Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2004 / Becky's Shower Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2004 / Chicago Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2004 / Graduation Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2004 / unknown Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2004 / Xinet in Jamaica Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2004 / Castlewood 04 Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2004 / Castlewood 04 / Priscilla Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2004 / Castlewood 04 / Yogi Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / Wedding Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / Wedding / Friday's Picnic Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / Wedding / Friday's Picnic / More picnic shots Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / Wedding / Rehersal dinner Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / Wedding / Boat tour Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / Wedding / Pre-ceremony Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / Wedding / Wedding Ceremony Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / Wedding / Post-ceremony photos Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / Wedding / Reception Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / Wedding / Area photos Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / Hood ornaments Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / iPod Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / MINI Cooper Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / Ducks Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / honda wreck Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / broken down Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / nice job Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / Panther Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2003 / Historical Haunting Jerry and Kellee's albums / Chris Craft Jerry and Kellee's albums / 1940s contact lenses Jerry and Kellee's albums / Jerry's baby book Jerry and Kellee's albums / Jerry's baby book / MPB class photos Jerry and Kellee's albums / CABIN Jerry and Kellee's albums / CABIN / Cabin 2004 Fall Jerry and Kellee's albums / CABIN / Cabin 2004 Fall / Cabin 2004 fall improvements Jerry and Kellee's albums / CABIN / Cabin 2004 Fall / Electrical photos for todd Jerry and Kellee's albums / CABIN / Improvements Jerry and Kellee's albums / CABIN / Improvements / Photographic inventory Jerry and Kellee's albums / CABIN / Cabin 2004 spring Jerry and Kellee's albums / CABIN / Cabin 2005 spring Jerry and Kellee's albums / CABIN / Cabin 2005 spring / Yogi's photo journal Jerry and Kellee's albums / CABIN / Cabin 2005 Fall Jerry and Kellee's albums / CABIN / Cabin 2006 Spring Jerry and Kellee's albums / CABIN / Cabin 2006 Spring / Over the garage Jerry and Kellee's albums / CABIN / Cabin 2006 Spring / Inventory Jerry and Kellee's albums / CABIN / Cabin 2006 Spring / Photos Jerry and Kellee's albums / CABIN / 2007 Spring Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / wally-graflex Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2007 Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2007 / Wally first week Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2007 / First two months Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2007 / March Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2007 / Wally April Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2007 / june-cabin Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2007 / june Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2007 / wally-july-07 Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2007 / wally-august-07 Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2007 / wally-cabin-sept-07 Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2007 / wally-october-07 Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2007 / wally-november-07 Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2007 / wally-december-07 Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2007 / Wally's First Birthday Party Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2007 / May Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2008 Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2008 / January Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2008 / February Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2008 / March Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2008 / May Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2008 / June Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2008 / July Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2008 / August Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2008 / Septmber Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2009 Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2009 / January Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2009 / January / Birthday Party Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2009 / February Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2009 / March Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2009 / April Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2009 / May Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2009 / June Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2009 / July Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2009 / August Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2009 / September Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2009 / October Jerry and Kellee's albums / Wally / 2009 / November Jerry and Kellee's albums / Tree Lights Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2009 Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2009 / MPB 25 year reunion Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2011 Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2011 / October Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2010 Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2010 / January Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2010 / February Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2010 / March Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2010 / April Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2010 / May Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2010 / June Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2010 / July Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2010 / August Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2010 / September Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2010 / October Jerry and Kellee's albums / 2010 / November Family history Family history / Bohannon family albums. Family history / Bohannon family albums. / Kellee's old family photos: Bohannon/George Family history / Bohannon family albums. / Kellee's old family photos: Bohannon/George / Bohannon Family heritage trail 1999 Family history / Bohannon family albums. / Kellee's old family photos: Moore/Duff Family history / Bohannon family albums. / Kellee's old family photos: Moore/Duff / Kathy & Wally Family history / Bohannon family albums. / Kellee's old family photos: Moore/Duff / Duff Family Heritage Trail Family history / Bohannon family albums. / Kellee's old family photos: Moore/Duff / Harmon Family Family history / Bohannon family albums. / Wally and Kathleen: infancy through first grade Family history / Bohannon family albums. / Wally and Kathy - grade school Family history / Bohannon family albums. / Grand Lake Family history / Bohannon family albums. / Grand Lake / Third Generation Family history / Bohannon family albums. / Grand Lake / Artifacts Family history / Bohannon family albums. / Artifacts Family history / Bohannon family albums. / Artifacts / Linens Family history / Jerry's side Family history / Jerry's side / slides Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 26 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 25 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 24 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 23 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 22 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 21 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 20 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 19 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 18 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 17 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 16 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 15 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 14 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 13 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 12 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 11 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 10 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 41 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 08 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 07 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 06 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 05 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 04 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 03 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 02 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 44 or B1 Family history / Jerry's side / slides / carousel 01 Family history / Jerry's side / Ruth-E.-Adlersfluegel-Composition-Book -Domestic-Science Family history / Jerry's side / Maxine s-little-album Family history / Jerry's side / Bill Knittig scrapbook Family history / Jerry's side / 60th Wedding Anniversary of Pat and Florence Heller, November 20, 2005 Family history / Jerry's side / Old Family Photos Family history / Jerry's side / Old Family Photos / Mom Family history / Jerry's side / Old Family Photos / Dad Family history / Jerry's side / Old Family Photos / Slides from 1979 Family history / Jerry's side / Kuhnhenn Family Photos Family history / Jerry's side / Kuhnhenn Family Photos / 1913 Family history / Jerry's side / Kuhnhenn Family Photos / 1913 / August 3, 1913 Family history / Jerry's side / Kuhnhenn Family Photos / 1913 / July 4, 5, & 6 -- 1913 Family history / Jerry's side / Kuhnhenn Family Photos / 1920 Family history / Jerry's side / Kuhnhenn Family Photos / 1920 / 1919 / 1920 Family history / Jerry's side / Kuhnhenn Family Photos / 1920 / 1919 / 1920 / General Family history / Jerry's side / Kuhnhenn Family Photos / 1920 / 1919 / 1920 / Graveyard Family history / Jerry's side / Kuhnhenn Family Photos / 1920 / 1919 / 1920 / Vacation/Bernard Family history / Jerry's side / Kuhnhenn Family Photos / 1920 / 1920 (sub) Family history / Jerry's side / Kuhnhenn Family Photos / Mother Family history / Jerry's side / Kuhnhenn Family Photos / more from 1913 - need descriptions Family history / Jerry's side / Kuhnhenn Family Photos / 1911 Family history / Jerry's side / Kuhnhenn Family Photos / 1911 / 1911 (sub) Family history / Jerry's side / Kuhnhenn Family Photos / 1911 / July 1911 Family history / Jerry's side / Kuhnhenn Family Photos / 1911 / 2008 Sidney St. Louis, MO Family history / Jerry's side / Dempsey Photos Family history / Jerry's side / Adlersfluegel stuff Family history / Jerry's side / Adlersfluegel stuff / Paula's recipe book from Janice Becky Becky / Pic of the week Becky / Family fun! Becky / Family fun! / Summer 2010 Becky / Family fun! / Summer 2010 / Swimming Becky / Family fun! / Summer 2010 / Cards Game Aug. 1 Becky / Family fun! / Summer 2010 / Misc. Becky / Family fun! / Summer 2010 / The Arch Becky / Family fun! / Summer 2010 / September 2010 Becky / Family fun! / Day Out With Thomas Becky / Family fun! / Jerry & Max 40th Anniversary Becky / Family fun! / Pumpkin Farm Becky / Family fun! / Peach Pickin' Becky / Family fun! / Purina Farms Becky / Family fun! / July 4th weekend 2008 (Paula's Cam) Becky / Family fun! / Wauwanoka Becky / Family fun! / random stuff Becky / Family fun! / The Butterfly House Becky / Family fun! / The Butterfly House / June 2007 Becky / Family fun! / The Butterfly House / Feb. 2007 Becky / Family fun! / Ballgame Becky / Family fun! / Shaw's Garden Becky / Family fun! / Shaw's Garden / Shaw's Garden May 2007 Becky / Family fun! / Shaw's Garden / Shaw's Garden December 2006 Becky / Family fun! / Meet the Machines Becky / Family fun! / Tower Grove Park Becky / Family fun! / Cousins Party March 2007 Becky / Family fun! / The Zoo Becky / Family fun! / We love snow days! Becky / Family fun! / We love snow days! / February 2007 Becky / Family fun! / We love snow days! / Jan. 2007 Becky / Family fun! / We love snow days! / Dec. 2006 Becky / Family fun! / Santa Fly-In....Thanks Uncle Jerry A.! Becky / Family fun! / Science Center Becky / Family fun! / Moving Becky / Family fun! / Moving / New House Becky / Family fun! / Moving / Moving Day Becky / Family fun! / Logan & Luke's new room Becky / Birthdays Becky / Birthdays / Logan is 5! Becky / Birthdays / Logan is 4! Becky / Birthdays / Logan is 3! Becky / Birthdays / Logan is 2! Becky / Birthdays / Luke is 3! Becky / Birthdays / Gilda's B-day Party Becky / Birthdays / Luke is 2! Becky / Birthdays / Luke's 1st Birthday!!!!! Becky / Birthdays / Dad's 60th B-Day! Becky / Birthdays / Fr. Tony's 89th B-Day Party Becky / Birthdays / The Big 4-0 Becky / Holidays Becky / Holidays / Easter 2010 Becky / Holidays / Halloween 2009 Becky / Holidays / Halloween 2009 / Pumpkin Farm Becky / Holidays / Christmas Season 2008 Becky / Holidays / Christmas Season 2008 / Santa Fly-In Becky / Holidays / Halloween 2008 Becky / Holidays / Halloween 2008 / The Magic House Becky / Holidays / Easter 2007 Becky / Holidays / Easter 2007 / Easter Sunday Becky / Holidays / Easter 2007 / Bellewood Egg Hunt Becky / Holidays / Happy July 4th, 2005! Becky / Holidays / Happy Thanksgiving! Becky / Holidays / Christmas Season 2005 Becky / Holidays / Happy Easter! Becky / Holidays / Happy Easter! / Bellewood Easter Egg Hunt Becky / Holidays / Happy Easter! / Easter Becky / Holidays / Happy July 4th, 2006! Becky / Holidays / Happy July 4th, 2006! / Indiana Becky / Holidays / Happy July 4th, 2006! / St. Louis Becky / Holidays / Labor Day Weekend 2006 Becky / Holidays / Christmas 2006 Becky / Holidays / Halloween 2010 Becky / Holidays / Halloween 2010 / Pumpkin Farm Becky / Various Events Becky / Various Events / The Magic House Becky / Various Events / Snow Pics 1/09 Becky / Various Events / Snow Pics 1/09 / Carondelet Park Becky / Various Events / Snow Pics 1/09 / Mitchell House Becky / Various Events / Little Gym Becky / Various Events / Lake Wauwanoka Becky / Various Events / Elephant Rocks State Park Becky / Various Events / Elephant Rocks State Park / Black and White Becky / Various Events / Elephant Rocks State Park / "Antique" Becky / Various Events / Elephant Rocks State Park / Elephant Rocks State Park Becky / Various Events / altered photos Becky / Various Events / March 2007 Becky / Various Events / March 2007 / Late-Morning Becky / Various Events / March 2007 / Afternoon Becky / Various Events / March 2007 / Early-Evening Becky / Various Events / Shots with my new camera :-) Becky / Various Events / Shots with my new camera :-) / Six Becky / Various Events / Shots with my new camera :-) / Jewel Box 2/08 Becky / Various Events / Shots with my new camera :-) / Five Becky / Various Events / Shots with my new camera :-) / Four Becky / Various Events / Shots with my new camera :-) / Four / Francis Park 10/20/07 Becky / Various Events / Shots with my new camera :-) / July 2007 Becky / Various Events / Shots with my new camera :-) / One Becky / Various Events / Shots with my new camera :-) / Two Becky / Various Events / Shots with my new camera :-) / Three Becky / Various Events / Shots with my new camera :-) / Flowers Becky / Various Events / January/ February 2007 Becky / Various Events / Trike-A-Thon at Zion Preschool Becky / Grandma & Grandpa A. Becky / Vacations Becky / Vacations / Camping Becky / Vacations / Camping / Jellystone Park Becky / Vacations / Camping / Jellystone Park Becky / Vacations / Colorado Becky / Vacations / Colorado / 2007 Vacation Becky / Vacations / Colorado / When we lived there...... Becky / Vacations / Colorado / When we lived there...... / New! I just found these :) Becky / Vacations / Colorado / When we lived there...... / Fun Stuff! Becky / Vacations / Colorado / When we lived there...... / Grand Lake Becky / Vacations / Colorado / When we lived there...... / Castlewood Canyon Becky / Vacations / Colorado / When we lived there...... / Condo Becky / Vacations / Panama City Beach Becky / Vacations / Panama City Beach / June 8 - June 10 2007 Becky / Vacations / Panama City Beach / Group photos on the beach Becky / Vacations / Panama City Beach / June 11- June 15 2007 Becky / Vacations / Panama City Beach / And More... Becky / Becky's Baby Book Becky / Jerry M's Baby Book Becky / Logan's First Year Becky / Logan's First Year / More of Logan Becky / Logan's First Year / More of Logan / Logan discovers watermelon Becky / Logan's First Year / More of Logan / Fun at the Park Becky / Logan's First Year / More of Logan / Misc. Movie Clips Becky / Logan's First Year / More of Logan / Outdoor fun :-) Becky / Logan's First Year / More of Logan / Logan the Ram Becky / Logan's First Year / More of Logan / Misc. Logan Becky / Logan's First Year / More of Logan / Stawberry Shortcake Becky / Logan's First Year / Logan Becky / Logan's First Year / Logan June 2004 Becky / Logan's First Year / Logan July 2004 Becky / Logan's First Year / Logan August 2004 Becky / Logan's First Year / Logan September 2004 Becky / Logan's First Year / Logan October 2004 Becky / Logan's First Year / Kid's Fashion Show at Nordstrom Becky / Logan's First Year / Logan November 2004 Becky / Logan's First Year / Logan December 2004 Becky / Logan's First Year / Who do you think Logan looks like? Vote for Jerry or Becky here :) Becky / Logan's First Year / Logan January 2005 Becky / Logan's First Year / Logan February 2005 Becky / Logan's First Year / Logan March 2005 Becky / Logan's First Year / Logan April 2005 Becky / Logan's First Year / Logan May 2005 Becky / Logan's First Year / June 2005, Logan is 1 year old! Becky / Luke's First Year Becky / Luke's First Year / Welcome Luke!!!!!10/28/2005 Becky / Luke's First Year / Welcome Luke!!!!!10/28/2005 / Hospital Pitures Becky / Luke's First Year / Luke December 2005 Becky / Luke's First Year / Luke January 2006 Becky / Luke's First Year / Luke February 2006 Becky / Luke's First Year / Luke March 2006 Becky / Luke's First Year / Luke April 2006 Becky / Luke's First Year / Luke May 2006 Becky / Luke's First Year / Luke June 2006 Becky / Luke's First Year / Luke July 2006 Becky / Luke's First Year / Luke August 2006 Becky / Luke's First Year / Luke September 2006 Becky / Luke's First Year / Luke September 2006 Becky / Luke's First Year / Luke October 2006 Becky / The House Becky / The House / 06/05/08 Becky / The House / 06/06/08 Becky / The House / 06/19 Becky / MPB class photos Becky / Logan's Viewpoint Becky / Logan's Viewpoint / Logan's morning Becky / Logan's Viewpoint / Life through the eyes of a two-year-old Becky / hidden Jacked-up cars Jacked-up cars / Mach 2 Mustang Maxine's albums Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/3-11/5 St. Louis to London Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / In memory of Fr. Luigi Moser, mccjBorn: Thursday, Dec. 13, 1934, Feast of Santa Lucia.Died: Saturday, January 13, 2007 Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/5 Drive from Entebbe, Uganda to Akanyo via Kampala and Murchison Falls National Park Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/6 Sille Chapel - First Communion Feast Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/7 a. Akanyo area Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/7 b. Padanyo Chapel 1st Com Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/7 c. Angal Mission Comboni Mother House Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/8 Akanyo Nursery School Teach mtg; School visit Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/9 Akanyo Mtg With Catechists; hut visit Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/10 Drive to Lodonga Mission Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/11 & 11/12 Visit Lodonga Mision Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/12 Odravu visit:Lodunga Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/13 Paliri Chapel in the outback Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/14 Lodonga Sunday Masses, etc Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/15 Yumbe Lunch with Fr. Tony New Church being built. Susan's home burnt down Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/16 To Arua: lunch w Sisters, Shop with Sr. Susan, Welcome Dinner for Maxine at Sherry's home. Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/17 a. Arua;Mass In Srs. Convent; Visit with Sr. Susan;Shop with Sr. Susan; Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/17 b. Ombachi Mission Lunch; Tea with Paskwalina;Supper in Lodonga Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/18 Imvepi Refugee Camp Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/19-thru 11/20 Arua Visit Sr. Susan, LSMI, Director of St. Mary's Ediofe. Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/20 Return to Akanyo via Nebbie Cathedral (Being built) Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/21 a. Ramogi Chapel First Communion Celebration; Angal Mission Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/21 b. Agwok (Confirmation) large rocks dry cassava flour; Angal Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/22 Orussi; Parombo; Lake Albert - Munduryema Chapel Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/23 Akanyo area Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/24 Angal. Maxine prepares a Thanksgiving Dinner Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/25 Thanksgiving Day Angal Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/26 a. Arua Dedication Media Center Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/26 b. Media Center Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/27 a. Murchison Falls Nat'l Park Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/27 b. Murchison Falls Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/28 Akanyo, Ondyek-Oyika Chapel First Communion Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/29 a. Dept Akanyo; Murchison Falls Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/29 b. Kampala Comboni Convent Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 11/30 Kampala Namugongo Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 12/1 a. Kampala Jinga - Source of the Nile Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 12/1 b Kampala; source of Nile, etc Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 12/2 Kampala Maxine's albums / Uganda November 3 through December 3 2004. / 12/3 It's time to say Thank you and Good-Bye to our Comboni Brothers, Sisters, and Priests Depart for USA via England Maxine's albums / Cotija, Mexico 2006 Maxine's albums / Cotija, Mexico 2006 / 03/02/2006 Arrival at the Convention Center in Cotija on Thursday evening. Maxine's albums / Cotija, Mexico 2006 / 03/03/2006 Friday Convention Center Maxine's albums / Cotija, Mexico 2006 / 03/04/2006 Saturday Holy Mass at Foundation Altar Maxine's albums / Cotija, Mexico 2006 / 03/05/2006 Sunday Dinner at Poca Sangre -The Ranch of NP's family Maxine's albums / Cotija, Mexico 2006 / 03/06/2006 Monday Fr. Michael's Morning reflection, Mass and incorporation at Virgin de la Paz Maxine's albums / Cotija, Mexico 2006 / 03/07/2006 Tuesday Mass at Cripta: Concelebrants: Fr. Donal and Fr. Robert Maxine's albums / Cotija, Mexico 2006 / 03/08/2006 Morning prayer and meditation in the Convention Center Chapel Maxine's albums / Cotija, Mexico 2006 / 03/09/2006 Early morning breakfast before departing Cotija. Maxine's albums / Fr. John Ssebitosi, Diocese of Hoima, Uganda Maxine's albums / Fr. John Ssebitosi, Diocese of Hoima, Uganda / 1 Maxine's albums / Fr. John Ssebitosi, Diocese of Hoima, Uganda / 2 Maxine's albums / Fr. John Ssebitosi, Diocese of Hoima, Uganda / 3 Maxine's albums / Fr. John Ssebitosi, Diocese of Hoima, Uganda / 4 Maxine's albums / Fr. John Ssebitosi, Diocese of Hoima, Uganda / 5 Maxine's albums / Grandma and Grandpa A's Grandchildren Maxine's albums / Grandma and Grandpa A's Grandchildren / Grandchildren-Groups Maxine's albums / Grandma and Grandpa A's Grandchildren / Gilda and Silvia Maxine's albums / Grandma and Grandpa A's Grandchildren / Gilda and Silvia / Sylvia Maxine's albums / Grandma and Grandpa A's Grandchildren / Gilda and Silvia / Gilda Maxine's albums / Grandma and Grandpa A's Grandchildren / Gilda and Silvia / Gilda & Sylvia, etc Maxine's albums / Grandma and Grandpa A's Grandchildren / Logan and Luke Maxine's albums / Grandma and Grandpa A's Grandchildren / Logan and Luke / Logan & Luke Maxine's albums / Grandma and Grandpa A's Grandchildren / Logan and Luke / Logan & Luke / Lake Maxine's albums / Grandma and Grandpa A's Grandchildren / Logan and Luke / Grant's Farm Maxine's albums / Grandma and Grandpa A's Grandchildren / Logan and Luke / The Zoo Maxine's albums / Grandma and Grandpa A's Grandchildren / Logan and Luke / Preschool Maxine's albums / Grandma and Grandpa A's Grandchildren / Logan and Luke / Logan Maxine's albums / Grandma and Grandpa A's Grandchildren / Logan and Luke / Luke Maxine's albums / Fr. Anthony Bukauskas Maxine's albums / Sr. Susan Head of St. Mary's Ediofe Girls School Arua, Uganda Maxine's albums / Sr. Susan Head of St. Mary's Ediofe Girls School Arua, Uganda / May 26, 2007 Maxine's albums / Sr. Susan Head of St. Mary's Ediofe Girls School Arua, Uganda / June 1, 2007 Maxine's albums / Sr. Susan Head of St. Mary's Ediofe Girls School Arua, Uganda / June 10, 2007 Maxine's albums / Sr. Susan Head of St. Mary's Ediofe Girls School Arua, Uganda / June 14, 2007 Maxine's albums / Sr. Susan Head of St. Mary's Ediofe Girls School Arua, Uganda / June 15, 2007 Maxine's albums / Sr. Susan Head of St. Mary's Ediofe Girls School Arua, Uganda / June 16, 2007 Maxine's albums / Sr. Susan Head of St. Mary's Ediofe Girls School Arua, Uganda / June 20, 2007 Chumpcar Nashville race Hallett August 2010 Search in sub-albums